Stages of Change Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT). Influenced by our beliefs, training, experience and our own personal journey. DBT is a comprehensive, cognitive-behavioral treatment often lasting 6 to 12 months or more and consisting of individual therapy, group skills training, telephone consultation (availability of the.
What Is Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT)? – Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) is an approach that was developed in the 1980’s by Dr Marsha Linehan.
Co-occurring Disorders -addictions and Eating Disorders
Depression and Other Mental Health Disorders.– Emotions serve important functions in our lives.
Is DBT Effective?–Dialectical behavior therapy is a comprehensive cognitive-behavioral treatment.
DBT is an intensive, cutting edge and effective therapeutic approach. It has proven to be useful for a wide array of different people, with different issues. Including personality disorders, eating disorders, addictions, and mental health difficulties.
Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) is a therapeutic approach that was developed in the 1980’s by Dr Marsha Linehan. DBT was originally used for the treatment of people who were experiencing suicidal thoughts and Borderline Personality Disorder. DBT is delivered though skills training manual, patient workbooks, and working with clinicians and counsellors. DBT has now proven to be successful in the treatment of many people with a wide range of different emotional regulation issues.
The term ‘dialectical’ refers to the idea of finding balance between two differing perspectives that exist simultaneously, like acceptance and change. Dialectical Behavioral Therapy will help you to accept your uncomfortable thoughts, behaviors, and feelings rather than fighting against them or denying them – once a thought, behaviour, or feeling, has been acknowledged and accepted it becomes easier to change.
DBT enables you to learn effective emotional and cognitive skills (acquisition), and apply those skills to your life (generalization). Generally, DBT tackles difficult and distressing emotions and improves your capacity for emotional regulation, and emotional expression.
The skills you learn through DBT will last a lifetime and can still be applied when you feeling fine to improve life, not just in a crisis.
What are the Four Skill Sets?
DBT can be effective for almost anyone. There are four skill sets that DBT focuses on developing, these are:
- Core Mindfulness Skills – teach you to experience the present moment with an attitude of acceptance and non-judgement, rather than ruminating about the past or worrying about the future. Mindfulness can be described as a non-judgmental way of paying attention to your experience of the present moment. During mindfulness practice when your mind wanders to the future or past, or when powerful emotions arise, mindfulness refocuses our attention on the present moment. Mindfulness can be described as a kind of microscope, a detailed look into something that was hidden in plain sight. Often people report a reduction in the experience of anxiety and shame during mindfulness practice, sometimes people experience a sense of peace and release during meditation.
- Distress Tolerance Skills – help you to practice healthy and effective ways of dealing with stress and intense negative feelings. Distress Tolerance skills are used when it is difficult or impossible to change a situation. Difficult emotions are normal part of life, we all feel grief when someone we love dies, or disappointment when we don’t get a job that we really wanted. Anger too is a normal response to seeing happen things that seem wrong or unjust. Some of us seem to experience intense distress that makes it very difficult to manage ourselves and our lives without developing some unhelpful coping strategies.
- Emotion Regulation Skills – help youto process and tolerate your emotions when you can’t change them or reduce their intensity. Emotions, thoughts and behaviours are all linked, using DBT skills for the emotional part of the cycle will help improve all aspects of the situation. DBT’s emotion regulation skills tools include checking the facts, acting opposite to the action urge of the emotion, and problem solving.
- Interpersonal Effectiveness Skills– teach you to nurture your relationships through building communication and assertiveness skills. Building on interpersonal skills can help with building a more supportive and fulfilling social network.
Co-occurring addictions and Eating Disorders.
It is very much possible to treat addiction and eating disorders as a symptom of emotional dysregulation. Many people fall into addiction through using substances/behaviours as a way of coping with intense, painful feelings, this is sometimes known as self-medicating.
DBT training can help to manage intense feelings and develop healthy and effective strategies for managing emotions without the use of unhealthy coping mechanisms
Depression and Other Mental Health Disorders.
What Is Dialectical Behavior Therapy
Negative emotions such as fear and sadness, can be effective and useful. They can motivate us to protect ourselves or prompt others to help us when they see that we are hurt or struggling. If you experience emotions like fear at a disproportionate level though it be difficult to cope and you may find yourself experiencing chronic anxiety and depression.
Dialectical Behaviour Therapy is widely recommended as a treatment for personality disorder and suicidal ideation. DBT significantly decreases suicide-related outcomes (e.g., suicide attempts, non-suicidal self-injury, and suicidal ideation), psychiatric hospitalization, use of emergency services, treatment discontinuation, depression, and substance use; additionally, it allows for growth, healing, and flourishing.
Dialectical Behavior Therapy Worksheets
anxiety. Because it is such a rigorous approach this type of therapy does require a large commitment form the client as well as the therapist.
As with any therapeutic approach the length of time it takes to see effects in your life will vary to person to person, and will depend on how able you are to commit to the process. The more willing you are to engage with the process, do the recommended ‘homework’ and practice DBT skills, the quicker, usually, you will start to see and feel positive effects.
Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT): a highly specialized form of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) designed to help people with difficulty with emotion regulation. They may struggle in five areas of dysregulation:
- Emotional dysregulation: emotions may feel overwhelming, moods may change rapidly and feel out of control, and a person may feel very angry, sad or fearful and have emotional outbursts.
- Behavioral dysregulation: as a response to emotional suffering, a person may have strong urges to self-harm. They may engage in various impulsive behaviours such as drugs, alcohol, spending, gambling, eating binges, unsafe driving or unsafe sex.
- Interpersonal dysregulation: a person may go back and forth between love and hate in close relationships. Relationships may be stormy. There may be deep fear of abandonment and frantic efforts to avoid losing connection.
- Cognitive dysregulation: in stressful situations, a person may become hyper-vigilant or dissociate. They may feel that others are deliberately mean to them or out to hurt them them. At other times they may feel spaced out or emotionally numb as if watching things from a distance.
- Dysregulation or fragmentation in one’s sense of self: a person may feel empty inside, unsure of who they are, or questioning if they even have an identity. They may feel that they change all the time according to the people they are with. They may feel like they don’t even exist.
Many therapists incorporate DBT into their treatment, however, only a handful in the area are intensively trained and provide DBT effectively. DBT skills is a small portion of the treatment, which incorporates very specific techniques to help our clients build a life they embrace.
We pride ourselves on adherence and fidelity to the model. Adherence is the accuracy of the therapists’ delivery of DBT which includes factors such as movement, speed and flow; balancing acceptance and change. Fidelity is the extent to which different components (modes) of treatment are being delivered in a manner consistent with the principles of the treatment.
DBT asserts that pervasive difficulties in managing emotions arise in part from skills deficits. Accordingly, part of DBT is a weekly skills training group designed to remedy those deficits. In group, clients learn skills for better management of emotions, relationships, distress and focusing on the present moment. In conjunction with the group, clients in DBT attend once weekly individual therapy that is focused on applying the skills to their particular problems and goals. If a client has an existing individual therapist, the client would continue with their existing therapist, and we would collaborate on the skills.
CBT and DBT therapists believe that some clients can not be helped by insightful discussions alone. Although insight can be helpful at times, learning new behaviors is critical in DBT. “Behavior” refers to anything a person thinks, feels, or does. Dialectical behavioral therapy uses a wide variety of techniques to help people change behaviors and build a “tool box” of skills.
Acceptance (Validation)
In DBT a combination of validation and collaboration leads to change. Clients will also focus on acceptance of those things in their lives that cannot be changed. DBT teaches skills enabling clients to walk through instead of reacting or running away from difficult situations.
Dialectics are one of the important unifying concepts that reflect how the mind fundamentally understands and perceives most core concepts and ideas. The field of psychology contains an abundance of such concepts, including self esteem, trust, courage, honesty, rage, passivity, withdrawal, impulsivity, inhibition, blame, worthiness, guilt, risk taking, and on and on. Dialectics are based in part on the fact that we cannot fully understand any of these abstract concepts without appreciating that they consist of bipolar opposites with a higher level of integration somewhere in between them.
Often individuals may see a different “truth” to the same problem, and therefore become polarized taking opposite positions on the subject. In DBT we learn to understand the various truths that are possible, and that it is likely that the real “truth” is not a pure polarized position, but rather some shade of grey between the two viewpoints.
“Dialectics” is a complex concept with roots in philosophy and science.
It involves several assumptions about the nature of reality. Everything is connected to everything else; Change is constant and inevitable; and opposites can be integrated to form a closer approximation to the truth (which is always evolving).
DBT Theory and Background
Dr. Marsha Linehan, the creator of DBT, studied a group of chronically depressed patients struggling with suicidal ideation who were unresponsive to existing cognitive behavior therapies (CBT) were frequently emotionally dysregulated. By this she meant that they became intensely emotional and had great difficulty returning to baseline.
She reviewed the existing Behavior Therapy (BT) literature to see what techniques had already been proven to effectively modulate intense emotional states like anger, anxiety, depression, and fear. CBT techniques that worked for those emotional issues were a good starting point to test on the emotionally dysregulated population she wanted to help. She also identified how mindfulness skills developed by practices such as meditation, often seen in religious or spiritual practices, may benefit these clients. Applying these skills in the context of DBT is not dependent on any particular religious or spiritual belief. Mindfulness skills are utilized for many reasons. These DBT Skills enable group members to become more proficient at slowing down and observing, describing, and labeling their emotional experiences, thoughts, and other internal experiences. With practice those skills also help them to participate more in the present moment and become more effective in decision making and problem solving, precluding impulsive actions that might make situations worse, and exacerbate or prolong emotional distress.
Although she imported a variety of tools, she was able to group them in a well organized treatment package. And given that many of the skills are effective on their own for treating particular problems, it makes sense that group members learning how to utilize many of them together increase the probability they can address many different kinds of intrapersonal and interpersonal challenges.
The Counseling Center of MarylandTM offers an adherent DBT Program which includes the four components of DBT: skills training group, individual treatment, DBT phone coaching, and consultation team.
- DBT skills training group is focused on enhancing clients’ capabilities by teaching skills.
- DBT individual therapy is focused on helping clients to apply the skills to specific challenges and events in their lives. In the standard DBT model, individual therapy takes place once a week for as long as the client is in therapy and runs concurrently with skills groups.
- DBT phone coaching is focused on providing clients with in-the-moment coaching on how to use skills to effectively cope with difficult situations that arise in their everyday lives. Clients can call their individual therapist between sessions to receive coaching at the times when they need help the most.
- DBT therapist consultation team is intended to be therapy for the therapists and to support DBT providers in their work so they can provide the best treatment possible.
As its name suggests, DBT emphasizes dialectics — the reconciliation of opposites in a continual process of synthesis. DBT emphasizes the dialectic of acceptance and change in improving the quality of participants’ lives.
Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is a highly specialized form of CBT designed to help people with pervasive difficulties managing their emotions. These difficulties may be apparent in a variety of ways including self-destructive or self injurious behavior, anger management problems, binge eating, ongoing relationship conflicts, and self-hatred. DBT is a mindfulness-based therapy that balances the use of change strategies from cognitive behavioral therapy along with acceptance strategies.
“Participate more in the present moment and become more effective in decision making.”