Sls Flex Point Breastplatesugars Legacy Stables


  1. Sls Flex Point Breastplatesugars Legacy Stables Reno Nv
  2. Sls Flex Point Breastplatesugars Legacy Stables Colorado Springs

Sls Flex Point Breastplatesugars Legacy Stables Reno Nv

5 Point Elastic Breastplate Martingale Running Attachmt Brown Teal Pink R.Blue. C $34.83 shipping. Edgewood, standing martingale, fancy, pony, $263.95. See relevant content for Rental Property Management. Investment Property Search.

Sls Flex Point Breastplatesugars Legacy Stables Colorado Springs

Silver Sprite

Erin’s long time mount – A 15.2 hh Arabian mare who Erin bought and started as a 3 year old. Erin and Sprite have been working together since Sept 2002 – She is currently schooling 2nd level with some 3rd level movements. Sprite is DEFINITELY the boss of the farm – she’s often found wandering the property loose and harassing boarders for snuggles and cookies.

In 2014 we welcomed Sprites foal by Fabuleux- a stunning bay colt, seen below

Flaunting Stolen Silver

“Scandal” was born 5/5/14! He’s growing a little slower than we’d hoped but has a personality that is larger than life! Living up to his name he’s regularly sneaking through the fence to get into the paddock with the big boys, and getting out entirely if he can manage it! Sweet, curious and smart as a whip – We’re going to have our hands full when it’s time to start his undersaddle training!

Amazing Saltic

Amazing Saltic – Our dear Maze is a bit of a charity case. We got him as a lease for 2 of our riders, but we struggled to get him sound. After MUCH effort and a number of evaluations from the vet, we decided he needed to be retired. Maze is a 16.1 hh imported Oldenburg. He was trained through 4th level dressage and was a successful 4′ jumper in Germany. With the disposition of an overgrown puppy dog, we knew we couldn’t allow him to leave the farm for his retirement. So here he’ll stay, snuggling with his favorite kitty, Cassie.

Tri Wishes

Tri Wishes – Comet is a 15.3 hh Thoroughbred gelding leased by Deborah Wittes. He’s a talented dressage horse, trained through 2nd level, and a wonderful schooling horse. Comet is a stickler for details – you lose your balance and post a little faster, Comet trots faster, you put too much pressure on your outside seat bone, he will canter. Sensitive almost to a fault, I love how he helps his rider understand aids including the correct or sometimes even the accidental use of them.