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Burlington Northern
Freight Train Symbol History
There are several section to the Burlington Northern Freight Train Symbol History.The freight train symbols are in numeric order by the last symbol used byeach train on May 2, 1989. The list includes many trains no longerin operation. Many of these trains operated before the formation of BurlingtonNorthern on March 3, 1970.
The condensed schedules after each train descriptionlists the symbols used during the train's history. For pre-mergertrains, the name of the railroad is also listed. Followingthe freight train symbol is the point of origin and thedeparture time, then the destination and the arrival time. Thenext number indicates how many days later the train was scheduled toarrive at its destination. If for example, the train departed onMonday and arrived on Tuesday then the number would be a one toindicate the next day. If the train terminated on the same day as itdeparted then no number is listed. The last pair of numbers indicatethe year of the schedule. If the schedule was unchanged over a periodof time, then the number may be 73-75 to indicate that the schedule wasthe same from 1973 through 1975.
This history report also includes some pictures. Clicking on a picture will takeyou to a regular Gallery picture page. To get back to this report, click on the left linkat the bottom of the picture page to return to one of the BN History pages.
To help you navigate between pages I've placed anavigation bar like the following in all of the other pages.Each page covers a range of train symbol numbers. To quickly jump aheador move back to a particular page, just click on one of the number sets.Each page will still have a sequence button at the bottom right so you canstep through all of the pages.
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Burlington Northern Santa Fe
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Burlington Northern Zephyr
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