Indepth Bible Studiesonline Lutheran Bible Study

Jeremiah Bible Study Series (6) Life Lessons Study Series (6) 40-Minute Bible Studies (5) Chasing Love (5) Elijah (5) Teach Yourself the Bible (5) A Woman Who Doesn't Quit (4) Birds and Bees (4) Charles F. Stanley Bible Study Series (4) City of Lions (4) Shepherd's Notes (4) The Seven Rings of Marriage (4) 30 Days to Understanding the Bible (3). This site offers Bible studies and Bible study notes from a Lutheran perspective. Some are Devotional Bible studies and others are more indepth studies. The main focus of all of these Bible Studies is to connect you to Jesus Christ, the Savior of the worl.

This Bible study is for those who are looking for a more in-depth study than our regular Sunday school. This is a 13 lesson course that covers the Life of Christ in detail based on a harmony of the Gospels. It explores the historicity, person, life, and meaning of Jesus Christ for humanity. The cost is $11/person.

Getting Sidetracked With Pastor Clemmer

This weekly 5-7 minute video will give me a chance to cover topics that come to mind during the week and are timely, relevant, and hopefully helpful. These would typically be topics that I didn't have enough time to discuss from the sermon or in Bible classes on Sunday because I did not want to get sidetracked. So here’s a whole series of just the sidetracks! We’ll post the link to the video each week here in the Week at a Glance and on the church’s website. You can view the videos here.

Sunday School


Sunday classes are currently meeting virtually, are for Preschool-8th grade. We use the Growing in Christ curriculum from Concordia Publishing House (CPH) for the lower grades. Click here to learn more about Growing in Christ.The 5th-6th graders use 120 Bible Stories from CPH to reenforce Bible basics before entering upper confirmation years. The 7th-8th graders engage Luther’s Small Catechism, as they’re instructed toward reception of the Lord’s Supper.

Youth Sunday Morning Bible Study
Sundays, 9:50 in the Youth Room
The High School students meet each Sunday at 9:50 a.m. in the Youth Room. Read more about it on the Youth Page!

New Member Classes
If you're new to the Lutheran confession, transferring into the congregation, or simply curious about what we confess and believe, we invite you to attend our Catechumenate classes which are currently meeting virtually. If you would like more information on the class, please call the church office at 630 355-2198 or email Pastor Schumacher at Current members are also encouraged to attend this class for a refresher on the foundations of the faith.

Biblical Overview of Baptism

“God's own child, I gladly say it: I am baptized into Christ!” This is a favorite hymn of so many, and rightfully so. There is such joy in knowing that you are baptized into Christ. But is this just a Lutheran oddity or is it biblical truth? Come to the new Sunday morning bible class and learn the biblical roots of baptism: From Old Testament roots of baptism to the tremendous baptismal theology in the New Testament. Baptismal passages are not isolated little puddles in Scripture, but rather baptism is a river running through the Bible. Pastor Schumacher will teach this biblical overview of baptism on Sunday mornings beginning on October 11th.

LifeLight for Women
Wednesday Mornings

LifeLight studies provide an in-depth exploration of entire Bible books and topical themes of scripture. Participants uncover Bible truths from the little details to the big-picture teachings. At Bethany our pastors teach the lecture-based portion of each class. This class meets from 9 to 11 a.m. during the summer.

Please contact the church office at 630-355-2198 for more information.

Saturday Men’s Bible Breakfast

In Depth Bible Study Download

All men of Bethany are invited to the Men’s Bible Breakfast which meets on the first and third Saturday of each month from 8:00 to 9 a.m.

Theology on Tap

Indepth Bible Studies Online Lutheran Bible Study Guide

This Bible Study taught by Pastor Clemmer typically meets on the third Tuesday of each month at Hopvine Brewery in Aurora. It's never too late to join us! Click here for more info!

Free In Depth Bible Studies

A deep look at Scripture—God's very words—is never wasted. In fact, not only is it never wasted; it's richly rewarded. The more deeply we dive into the riches of the Bible, the more deeply we can experience and serve God, the giver of all truth, wisdom, love and understanding.

The LifeGuide® in Depth Series helps you do just that, taking you further into themes and books of Scripture than you might have gone before. As you see new connections between the Old and New Testament, gain an understanding of the historical and cultural background of passages, engage in creative exercises, and concretely apply what you've learned, you'll be amazed at the breadth of the knowledge and wisdom you gain and the transformation God can work in you as you meet him in his Word. Each session provides enough material for a week's worth of Scripture study along with a weekly group discussion guide that pulls all of the elements together.

Study The Bible In Depth

These guides are based on and include the inductive Bible studies from the bestselling LifeGuide Bible Study Series with over ten million copies sold. But they've been expanded for a new kind of study experience.

In Depth Bible Study Lessons

If you're longing to go deeper in your understanding of God and his Word, the LifeGuide in Depth series is for you. These new studies will meet your need for both rich, solidly researched content and personal application. They'll meet your need for Bible study that challenges your head and your heart. Most of all, we pray you'll meet God in them.